Miller’s Touch Cleaning Services
September 13, 2022
Miller’s Touch Cleaning Services
Newburgh, New York
Spend thirty seconds with our small business client, Founder and CEO, Latreece Miller of Miller’s Touch Cleaning Services, and you immediately know he has your best interest in mind. Latreece prioritizes relationships at the core of his business—and it pays off.
When fifty percent of his clients in Newburgh and Beacon decided to pause their cleaning services as a result of closing their operations due to COVID-19, Latreece quickly pivoted his service offerings to include disinfection and sanitation. He reached out to former clients and contacts in New York City and, within days, secured new contracts.
“We have two new clients and four in the queue. We clean the things other companies won’t touch. I want our clients to feel safe. We sanitize and disinfect so that they experience a whole new environment,” says Latreece. “We want to give them the “Miller’s Touch wow factor.”
Demand for the “Miller’s Touch wow factor” has created a waiting list for new customers. Latreece’s phone rings off the hook.
“I have folks calling me saying, “Miller, I need you and your teams to come, no matter the costs,” says Latreece. “We lost money at the start of this crisis, but when I changed my marketing materials to focus on our ability to sanitize, the business picked up. I’m incredibly grateful for these new opportunities.”
Latreece also goes above and beyond to take care of his employees. Every employee wears protective gear, including a full-body suit, goggles, masks, and gloves, and is sprayed down on breaks and after every job. And he offers support in rent payments, surprises them with groceries, and is committed to helping their families as many experience financial challenges.
“I have families counting on me. We are a community,” says Latreece. “I am building wealth so that I can help change the quality of life of others.”
As soon as lending options became available, Latreece applied and was approved for our Emergency Express Loan.
“I knew that when the financial hardship hit, I wasn’t alone. I could count on Community Capital New York to have my back,” says Latreece. “It’s so important to have a community of people you can count on right now.”
We couldn’t agree with you, more Latreece. Thank you for modeling generosity, innovation, and adaptability during this challenging time. We are proud to support Latreece and his team at Miller’s Touch Cleaning Services—and dozens of other small business owners in Westchester County and the Hudson Valley—now and always.
Learn more about Miller’s Touch Cleaning Services. Apply now for our Emergency Express Loan. Visit our COVID-19 Small Business Resource Center for up-to-date lending options and information.