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Learn about the Automated Under Reporter Program (AUR), correspondence examinations and IRS audits

IRS Stakeholder Liaison will conduct a three-part series of lunch-and-learn community-based sessions targeting low-to-moderate and underserved taxpayers and the organizations that work with them. We hope to help taxpayers and organizations prepare correct and accurate tax returns involving individual tax credits. Participants will learn about 1) Automated Under reporter Program... Read more »

Tax Time Prep: 5 Ways to Maximize Savings Before Year-End


Gain practical tips, expert insights, and easy-to-implement strategies to help you add more dollars to your company's bottom line and not to your tax bill. In addition to answering your pressing tax questions. Ramona Cedeno - CPA, CFP, CEO at Register Here

Office Hour: The Power of Capital Presented JP Morgan Chase


Unlock the financial strategies and tools necessary to grow your business. Whether you’re an entrepreneur just starting out or a seasoned business owner looking to scale, this webinar is packed with actionable knowledge to empower your financial journey. Register Here