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Our Reach &
Collective Impact

For over 36 years, Community Capital New York has been a community lender to entrepreneurs and business owners in the mid-to-low Hudson Valley and to affordable housing developers across New York State.

Small Business Lending

Our Small Business Lending Program connects low-income entrepreneurs with capital they need to reach their business goals.

Small businesses and start-ups can apply for fair and flexible term loans from $5,000 to $150,000, lines of credit, and credit builder loans.

We are proud to share that the combination of loans, business education, and advisory services has led to a four-year business survival rate of 81% for our clients compared to the SBA’s reported national average of 50%.

Affordable Housing Lending

Our Affordable Housing Program extends feasibility loans, predevelopment loans, and other innovative gap financing products to for-profit and nonprofit housing developers working on expanding affordable housing opportunities for residents throughout New York state.

Since 1989, this program has driven over $38 million into local projects that have created over 5,000 affordable homes for over 15,000 area residents who earn 80% or less than the area median income.

Thank You to Our Funders

While we’re proud to report that over 75% of our clients represent low-income, women and People of Color, there’s still work to be done. And it all begins with the support of our funders.

To our current and future funders, we say thank you. With your support, we can drive capital and economic opportunity to under-resourced entrepreneurs and low-wealth communities to support the creation of new businesses, the growth of existing businesses, and the development of affordable housing.

If you would like more information on partner opportunities or getting involved with Community Capital New York, please contact Kate Conlan, Senior Vice President of Strategic Partnerships & Development, at

Ready to Partner With Community Capital New York?

We rely on the generous support of our funders and donors to achieve our mission. So to all of our supporters and partners, we say thank you! And to those considering a gift or investment, please reach out to us at 914-747-8020 or donate online.